Organic beef information
Check out the following organic beef information in amongst which you’ll find information on cooking, cuts, recipes, and links to other useful information!
Organics / Sustainability
Below are links to some particularly relevant sites on organics, sustainability, green issues, and more.
- Soil & Health Association of New Zealand.
- Biodynamic Farming Association (Demeter).
- Sustainability Council of New Zealand
- Organic NZ magazine, an online guide to organics in New Zealand.
- GE Free New Zealand, including a huge list of links to GE-related topics.
- Organic Consumers Association
The flowforms are used to mix, airate, energize and enliven the natural
home made fertilizers before they are sprayed on the farm.
Beef recipes & cooking
Fed up with your usual beef recipes? Looking to try something different, inspiration for a new dish or something to impress friends? We’ve found some of the best food and recipe sites on the web for you to explore:
- For some quick and easy dishes see
- Recipes from New Zealand’s Helen Jackson at
- Recipes from New Zealand’s Allyson Gofton.
- Courtesy of has over 700 recipes using beef!
- From the Atkins web-site, see beef recipes.
- A useful Encyclopedia of food and cooking terms is at
Ursula & Erwin Eisenmann
Waima Hill
R.D.3 Kaikohe
New Zealand
Phone: (09) 405 3833